A working table to create something innovative and elegant. A day dedicated to the #design of our new home with real #professionals.
Our team would like to thank the Mayor of Fiorano Modenese, Francesco Tosi, for accepting our invitation to visit the construction site of the new headquarters.
We would also like to thank Makoto Fukuda, architect, designer and professor at the Abadir. Accademia di Design e Comunicazione Visiva in Catania. Thanks to a project set up between TecnoFerrari and the Abadir Academy, Prof. Fukuda’s students will be responsible for the design of the inner courtyard.
Massimo Gianquitto, a true expert in the field of office furnishings and design, and author of several books on art and design, will also be present.
Last but certainly not least, we would like to thank all the staff of Project Design SRL, designers of the new headquarters, and the project architect Fabrizio Gruppini for accompanying us and our guests throughout the visit.