In recent times, the issue related to pollution due to the disproportionate use of single-use plastic products has become pricipal topic of discussion in the world, political, economic and social spheres.
In this regard, Gruppo TecnoFerrari, has decided to undertake the TecnoFerrari #PlasticFree initiative, by which we intend to take some important measures involving the habits of employees and corporate life, aimed at increasingly reducing the use of disposable plastic products in our company.

For this reason, a stainless steel 310 water bottle has been distruibuited free of charge, to all employees, with which they can draw drinking water from the special dispenser.
Progressively, the PET bottles in the vending machines will be reduced, until they are eliminated, and they will be supplied only with water in brick form.
We believe that this first initiative may represent the beginning of a virtuous path that will lead our Company to be identified as a "plastic free" workplace .